Saturday, January 14, 2012

Goals, Plans, Lists, Resolutions! :)

Oh hi...

Let me take this opportunity to ignore the fact that I haven't been blogger active lately, but instead wish anyone who stumbles upon this a happy thanksgiving and holiday and new year! I've been busy, which brings me to this wonderful lists.

The first list was developed with my good'ol friend, Elijah. He decided that the we should make a list of "ten little things to make a huge difference in our little lives." Together we plan to conquer our list on a daily basis. I am very excited about this, because many of these items are also part of my new year's resolutions. It breaks down into 3 categories: personal, physical and Jesus. Here's a photo of our list:

My next list is my new years resolutions. I have created detailed plans to carry out all of these lovely things, but for a pretty and colorful visual reminder, my friend Susie helped create this in illustrator:

As I mentioned, lots of happy repeats. I am absolutely ecstatic for 2012! I'll be blogging all the while, so get ready for an earful, mysterious cyber abyss.

WOO-to the-HOO!!
Love, Hannah

1 comment:

  1. Hannah,
    These are wonderful goals. I'm sure that in the process you will discover that you are accomplishing great things.
