Tuesday, February 28, 2012

24 things to do with your extra 24 hours.

24 things to do with your extra 24 hours.
Here are few things to help you maximize your leap day. Are you gonna make the LEAP and try something new?

 (in no particular order.)
24. Organize something/Deep Clean. Is there a project that is always on your to do list, but you never seem to get to it!? Take advantage of your time and do it. You will feel so much better after it is done.

23. Call/Contact Someone You Miss. If you are like me and hate the phone, maybe since it's leap day and it only happens every four years you can pick up the phone and call someone you haven't had the time to catch up with.

22. Work on Your Fitness. Go for a walk with your dogs, go to a yoga class, or try a work out on TV. Anything to get that blood pumping! Being active is good for body and good for your spirit.

21. Cook/Bake a Recipe You Have Never Tried Before. Dust off an old cook book or look up a recipe on pinterest and create something delicious.

20. Donate Clothes. Get rid of some old clothes that you never wear, if you haven't worn it in the last 6 moths you most likely won't. Donate your clothes, or give them away to a friend. I use to have a hard time doing this but now I just think of it as making room for new clothes ; )

19. Write a Letter. Nothing beats a letter. Nothing. An email doesn't even come close to getting a letter. I love getting snail mail that isn't a bill or a magazine full of clothes I can't afford.

18. Watch Some Television. Sometimes life gets too busy and we don't even time to sit on the couch and watch our favorite tv show. Why not put in disc of your favorite television show or pop in an old movie that makes you feel good.

17. Be Creative. I find being creative very theraputic.Why not finish that scrap book that's half done, sew something,or maybe start a new project you have been wanting to do.

16.Take a Picture. People don't take pictures nearly enough. With how easy it is take a picture, take a moment and capture something in your life. You don't get those moments back, so why don't you record them?

15.Read. Reading is one of my favorite hobbies. I love the characters you meet in books and how much a book can impact your life. If books aren't something you fancy read a magazine and get lost in the font for a little while.

14. Make A Mix Tape. I know I used the the word "tape" but make a mix CD just doesn't sound as good as mix tape. Mix tapes are essential for enjoyment in the car. Take a minute and make a new one to listen to on the way to work. Or maybe even put in an old one from a few years ago.

13. Try a New Hairstyle. I change my hair almost everyday, but with that said I usually fall into the same patterns.I have a pinterest board filled with new dos I want to try. I am sure there is something you want to do with your hair that you usually don't have time for. 

12.Take Time to Relax. Take a moment and soak everything in. I usually do this on saturday mornings and sit at the kitchen table while sipping coffee just gazing at the world around me. 

11. Hangout with a Friend/Family Member
. Schedule a coffee/lunch/dinner/drinks with a friend, or family member. Do something special with them. It doesn't have to be big or expensive.Have a real conversation and discuss eachother's lives. Quality time is one of the best gifts you can give someone, what is a relationship without quality time?

10.  Write Something. ANYTHING. I cannot express enough how important it is to write.  Whether you perfer a pen and parchment paper or a screen and a keyboard, take this extra time to write something. Maybe a poem, a goal list or even a journal entry.

9. Buy Something. Everyone needs a little impulse buy every once in awhile. Why not buy those new shoes you have been eyeing for the last 2 months?

8. Pray. Some days I get so busy "I don't have time" to pray. I pray everyday, but I don't really pray every day... does that make sense? Sometimes my prayers are short and rushed. Take the time to have thoughtful prayers and reflect.

7. Go through old Photos. Something people rarely sit down and do. Grab an old photo album and finger through the pages or creep on yourself on facebook. I love seeing how I have changed/stayed the same over the years.

6. Pet your Dog/Cat/Animal. Going through the daily grind we often forget about the creatures that love us most. My childhood dog is still alive. He is 17 and has the sweetest brown eyes I have ever seen. He lives with my mom and I rarely see him. Your animals aren't gonna be around forever. Give them an extra hug or scratch behind the ears.

5. Expand Your Vocabulary. The English language has tons of beautiful and unusal words, yet the average person never even uses 50% of them! Pick up a dictionary or use a word of the day app on your smart phone and then try to use that word in a sentence.

4.Dance. I am fairly certain  a dance party could change your life. I am without a doubt the WORST dancer on the planet. I have no rhythm ( i can't even stay on beat when I clap in church...) but that never stops me from dancing.  Let yourself go for just one day and dance around your house or with a friend to a song that you love. Can't you spare three minutes of your busy day to just stop and dance?

3. Sing. With Dancing, I have to include singing. Singing is something I  am not the best at either. I mean I am not a train-wreck , but I am no Aretha. My favorite place to sing is the car. I have no problem rolling down the windows (turning on the heat if necessary. Since it is winter.) and belting out one of my favorite jamz. If the car is too much for you, grab a hair brush (it's the best microphone) and sing at your house.

2. Laugh. Laughter is one the best joys in the world! Laughter can solve pretty much every problem you will ever encounter. People don't laugh enough, it is such an easy thing to do , but why don't we do it? Because we are too stressed and too busy. Spend one of your extra minutes (if not hours) laughing. Watch one of your favorite TV shows, read a funny blog, talk to someone who makes you laugh. Let your guard down and laugh.

1.Smile. This day only happens every four years, why not make the best of it and smile and be happy. Life is too short not to be happy. I try to start every day with a smile.

I hope you all enjoy your day.

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