Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mind Boggling Thought: Time Flies

Just looked back a bunch of posts. I started thinking about time. This is about to be very epic and mind boggling, so I hope you are prepared:

Personally, I feel like this year has flown right on by. I felt the same about last year, but this one seemed even faster! My mom always used to tell me that for a child, a year seems to last forever, but they start to feel quicker as you get older. I am not sure why it has taken me so long to figure this out, but the years feel shorter because the are shorter. They are not shorter in the number of months, weeks, or days (forget about leap years for the sake of simplifying this example), but they are smaller in proportion to the person's life. For example, on my 1st birthday one year was 100% of the time I had been alive. That year, was the longest amount of time I had ever experienced. On my 2nd birthday, one year was only 50% of my life. It felt shorter, but was still a very large percentage. It only takes simple math to realize that the years will begin to be smaller percentages of my current lifespan as the birthdays roll on. That being said, on 9/23/11, my 21st birthday, the past year was only about 4.8% of my life. Its no wonder the years start to go so quickly. My dad just had his 50th birthday, and he said he felt like he had just turned 49. Probably because that past year was only 2% of his entire life!

Your mind has officially been boggled. Now go ahead and forget that I ever traumatized you with this thought.


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