Monday, February 11, 2013

A Guide to Hannah: Not-So-Pretty-Things You Should Know About Me

  1. Faith, family, and friends are my top 3 priorities in that order.
  2. I am a procrastinator in the worst way.
  3. Things don't typically line up neat and tidy in my head. I usually have to force the jumbles into some sort of order to maintain sanity... and form coherent sentences.
  4. I can't spell many words well without spell check.
  5. Self-control is tricky for me sometimes, because I'm a pretty passionate person.
  6. I need my sleep.
  7. Music is powerful and necessary in my day-to-day.
  8. Sometimes being the listener of the conversation is a huge struggle, but it's not because I don't want to hear what the talker has to say.
  9. Stress manifests itself physically in the form of weird, awkward ailments like stomach pains, excessive sweating, itchy rashes, or vision loss (to name a few).
  10. Sunshine warms my heart and boosts my mood.
  11. I'm meant to be a mother someday. It's my purpose in life and I am so excited to fulfill it.
  12. I frequently eat my feelings.
  13. I love vegetables, but I love chocolate too.
  14. I hope to one day be truly surprised by something amazing.
  15. The biggest adventure to me is becoming vulnerable enough to love all sorts of people and things... investing my whole heart.
  16. I'm honestly afraid of what a coffee outage could do to me.
  17. Encouragement is my favorite way to be loved.
  18. I am strong willed to a fault, therefore I don't react well to being told what I can or cannot do.
  19. It pains me to let other people down, because I genuinely want them happy and fulfilled.
  20. I tend to keep an absurdly busy schedule.
  21. My feet stink horribly and I am ashamed of them.
  22. I hate being in debt.
  23. I'm usually late.
  24. I'm not perfect, or normal, or one of the cool kids, but I'll try my best to accept you and respect you just as you are.
  25. I'm weird about having things be round numbers, so I had to have 25 things.

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