Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Project 373.

 A little New Year update:

 2012 was a year of new adventures and new beginnings.  I began to take part in a project of taking pictures for a whole year. I started this project on Christmas 2011 and "ended" it New Years Eve 2012( I still take a picture just about every day.) I don't  believe in New Years Resolutions, I think you should constantly be challenging yourself to live a healthier more meaningful life.
I wanted for this project to take pictures of my everyday life that I often forget to document. We usually take pictures of the "big moments" but what about all the little moments that make life, well life? Throughout my 373 pictures you see bits of my life captured on film. What started off as an instagram challenge from a friend turned into a wonderful memory.
  Here  are few moments of time captured from my past year.

                Worked with strangers rebuilding our community after a Tornado swept through

        Saw Titanic at least 4 times in theaters, including on 100th anniversary of when the titanic     
             sank.Because lets be real here,  TITANIC IS THE BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME.


My oldest niece graduated from preschool.

Mourned the loss of my cousin Chad, and learned just how precious life truly is 

                                                  Jumped in front of the Tanner Residence

                                                   Took my 18 year old dog for a spin.

                                              Said goodbye to my Sassy Cat, Cookie.
                                          Welcomed a new family member Lady Pippa Winslet

                                        Celebrated many birthdays (my little niece turned 2)

                                                       Fell in love with the first grade.
                                                           Spent time with family.
                                                              Joined a headband mafia.

                                                            Enjoyed days at the beach

And nights at the pool

                                              traveled to imaginary worlds at the beck

                               laughed and dance my way through my last year of sorority life

                                                                 became a princess
                                                    crafted  away my last day as a nanny

                                         Rang in the new year with my nearly normal girl.

There are so many other memories I wanted to share in this post, but I ran out of space! if you would like to see more, follow my instagram Conninator.

Thanks for reading,