Sunday, July 29, 2012

Your official London Olympics correspondent.

The Royals, The former athletes and the torch.

 {From: Friday July 27th}
  To say that I am excited for the Olympics would be a huge understatement. I have been obsessed with the Olympics for as long as I can remember. As a 6 year old I was convinced I Would be going to Olympics when I was 16 for ice skating (and if not for ice skating swimming when i was 18).My ice skating career didn't last long but my Olympic obsession never has left me. I get more emotionally involved with the Olympics than probably the average person should.I know the athletes names,standings and competitors from other countries.I live and breathe the Olympics, I often get so immersed in the Olympic magic that I feel like I am right there with athletes.Sometimes, I even cry when I see someone win medal.
    I am not sure why I love the Olympics so much. Maybes it is because its one of the few things the world can agree on, maybe it's because it's inspirational to watch someone achieve their dream right before your eyes or maybe it's because the Olympians are not only extremely talented and genetically gifted. (hello Ryan Lochte)
    This year however i am even more excited than usual.Not only is it Olympic season, but the olympics take place in LONDON. You know who lives in London? Harry Potter, The Queen,Prince Harry, Prince Wills & KATE MIDDLETON. I still can't decide what I am more excited for, the Olympic games or the outfits Kate Middy will be sporting. I cannot think of a better place for the Olympics to take place. Two of my favorite things colliding the Olympics & the royal family. This is not only going to be a good few weeks for show casing athletic talent but also for fashion.

I will keep you posted on all things Kate & All things Olympics during the next few weeks!


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