Tuesday, March 12, 2013

We're happy free confused and lonely at the same time

Whether or not you like Taylor Swift, you just can't deny that the  lyrics to her song 22 are perfect for the 20 something age group. It references all of the "miserable & magical" things that you feel when you're in your 20s.

"Where happy free confused and lonely at the same time"
YES, To all of the above. I am at the this huge crossroad in my life and I have no idea where my life is taking me. I am graduating from college at the end of APRIL. Yes, this April I will officially be a college graduate.(Wait...What?)
I have been in school since I was 4(if you count preschool) 18 years of school! I know how to do school, school means routine and structure. However, when April rolls around I will no longer be in school. What I am suppose to do with the rest of my life? Where I am suppose to go?How am going to find a job? Where is my husband? All these questions and more are constantly running through my mind.

     I am not the only one in this limbo land of 20 somethings. Some of my friends are getting married, others are married and some are having babies. I don't fit into any of those categories! so where does that put me!? I fall in to this miserable and magical world of single-hood. I can literally go wherever the wind takes me. I have no one to report to and no one to hold me back. I can be spontaneous, go on an adventure and not have to worry about another person. I AM FREE. but with freedom often comes those moments of sadness. I begin to think,Why am I not married? Why doesn't anyone love me? Is there something wrong with me? And then I think, Do I even want any of those things right now? I would really like to have a successful job before I get married and I would like to move before I meet someone. So when I reason with myself I realize, I need to celebrate my 20 something life style. Someday I will think back to my 20 something life and think,Why didn't I live more in the moment?

     So here's to hanging out with girlfriends, staying up late, game nights, drinking coffee, unplanned adventures, tv marathons, long walks, margaritas, reading on the beach, going to concerts,snowy days, cozy sweaters,DIY projects, and dressing like Kate Mid.

Embrace your 20s, celebrate you and live a little.


Ps. Here is a  link to this great song, that is currently my ringtone...

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